The Top Classic Fun Drugs of the ’70s!

“Detail from 1969 Collage:”  Copyright 1969 00individual  TLL

The Top Classic Fun Drugs of the ’70s!

Back in the ’60s and the ’70s, the attitude of the free minds of the counter-culure toward drugs was of experimentation and then understanding.

The everyday mind-set was one of adventure, knowing that the slightest happening would be something much more after a morning bowl.

The dangers of drugs, while true to a certain extent, have been reported ad nauseum, so 00 will instead examine the other side of the coin, the side that can only be related by a ’60’s and ’70s ranking member of REPHR.

The Tribe, those individuals who gladly embraced the historic and extremely rare powerful vibe of the ’60s and the ’70s, is thinning out, and as humans, will eventually transcend.

So, time is of the essence as there are many special subjects to relate for whatever future that lies ahead, many historical subjects have been explored right here on 00’s site, but for now let’s not dwell on the negative side of the drug coin: Tails, no, this is from the positive side of the drug coin: Heads – how convenient, and appropriate.

Heads that survived the many-faceted drug experience knew that the establishment’s hype of the dangers of drugs were not so, when after an indugence of any psychedelic or mind-altering drug was experienced everything seemed clearer, lies were easy to spot, and new concepts were welcomed into the mind that had no place to go before the “Doors of Perception” were opened.

When the anti-drug so-called experts, who had not experienced the effects of drugs became the “experts”, was when the Counter-Culture and other free-thinkers realized that they themselves had more expert information and data and personal experience and therefore they were the experts, the pundits became a joke.

So, the Counter-Culture had the personal and cultural knowledge that the etablishment had yet to get a clue – “You can tell if Marijuana is in use because it smells like burning rope.” That right there is why for a few years, Heads, smart ones, were way ahead of the Law in knowledge and awareness.

It’s fascinating now when 00 looks back, that a unique bond, near telepathic, between members of the Tribe existed for real. For Heads there was an understanding and social link on a level that could only be achieved at a time when many like minds were attuned.

And to quote Hunter S. Thompson:
“There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning.… And that, I think, was the handle—that sense of inevitable victory over the forces of Old and Evil. Not in any mean or military sense; we didn’t need that. Our energy would simply prevail. There was no point in fighting—on our side or theirs. We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave.…
So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look West, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark—that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back.”

So now, here are

“00 smoking O – ’70s”

Opium was a rarity among all dealers as most Opium was processed into the much less bulky and more potent and profitable Heroin and thus a more valuable commodity. So, Opium, at least in 00individual’s Tribal gatherings was rare, and in most cases reserved for special occasions.

Here’s what 00individual remembers from smoking Opium: A typical hit can be as lung-expanding as high-grade Hashish, so he took long controlled inhalations that matched the bubbling Tar Opium in the bowl of a long-stemmed pipe.
He then held his hit as long as possible to allow its essence to seep into his brain. As he slowly exhaled the bluish-tinged billowed wisps of smoke he simultaneously French-inhaled to retain the dank, rich taste of the dense, ancient, knowing.
At his point he felt that his brain could taste the Opium. Then a radiating sensation throughout his body soothed his soul and a dreamy sense of peace and love emanated from him into the surrounding environment.

And people wonder why people use drugs.


thaiour“Rendition of 1970s Thai Stick with three strains rolled in hash oil tied with hemp.”

It was on the third night, or maybe second, of 00individual’s three nights in a row, front row center, Pink Floyd 1975 L.A. Sports Arena concert that he broke out some righteous Thai stick he had acquired in preparation for the rare momentous occasion.

Coming off the after-effects of the first night’s powerful hit of either White Lightning or Windowpane acid – it only took a few hits of dank Thai Stick to act as a catalyst to re-engage any psychedelic residue and transform it into high-intensity cannabis motivation. 00individual was psyched for another night of the Best Rock Ever: Pink Floyd. Historic!
00individual has been very fortunate throughout his life to have been provided with the ability to actually become heavily motivated from the assist of cannabis. Right On!


This was a big hit for most of 1970. In fact, for 00 and his friends ’70 was the Summer of PCP.
This was not your superhuman maniac PCP that was seen and publicised later, no, this was the original “good stuff” utterly peaceful – the “Rocket Fuel” strain came later and that was it for 00.
But the early original strain was great fun; goofy, spacey, tactile-intensive, sensory-distorting, time-warping, laughter-causing, life in a cartoon world mind-bender.

Here’s a true life 00 experience – told in first person:
It all started in the late spring of 1970 when I received a phone call from a fellow dope fiend. He said I needed to come over to Doctor Dean’s pad as he had some Pretty Cool Pot.  Being that this was during the ever-evolving very fun period of drug experimentation, he needed say no more, I was there!

Once I arrived I went to the back room where I came upon a half dozen known fiends and was immediately offered a toke of a joint that was being passed around.  I took a long slow drag of the strangely-tasting herb and inhaled deeply and before I finished passing the joint I was beginning to feel its effects.
I was slowly melding with the piano bench I was sitting on as it began to move up the side of the room’s wall. By the time the joint came back around to me I was half way up the side of the wall!  This was too cool!  I took another hit and a peaceful feeling of pure ambivalence overtook me, someone could have come over to me and asked for my wallet and I would have happily obliged, but I was in full control – other than being part of a wooden bench that was attached halfway up the side of the wall.
After some mutual giggling with the other fiends I somehow detached myself, then Doctor Dean told me he was going to Hawaii in a few days and wanted to know if I wanted to purchase some of his PCP stash, I said yes and thus began the beginning of a very memorable psychedelic spring and summer.


Always welcomed! Although a bit pricey for the average Hippie, these potent varieties of Hashish became available; Red or Blonde Lebanese, Afghani, Nepalese, and the smuggled-in from Hawaii righteous Primo Abdhouli #1.

Here’s a true life 00 experience: . . . then for a few nights straight at the Topside Room (00’s above garages pad), Krik, King of the Turn Ons and always generous with his stash, kept a small circle of friends pretty hallucinogenic.
00individual remembers vividly on one night when everyone was sitting on the floor and after several rounds of tokes it felt and looked like the whole room moved and slanted to the point that everyone would slide out through the doorway – and into The Void!
The floor leveled out and everyone were saved from slipping into another dimension.

After a couple nights of ritualistic smoking of this mind-bending Hashish 00individual became a somewhat out-of-body numbed artist at work. One day in the middle of the ongoing while-at-work cosmic hashish high hangover, 00individual got up from his drawing table to go use the darkroom and unknowingly jammed a #11 x-acto blade – that was situated at the edge of the table – right through his jeans and into his leg. It was only when the handle hit the doorway as 00individual walked through did he utter, OW! There stuck in his front mid-thigh was the blade handle surrounded by blood-soaked jean.

In some weird altered state 00individual attributed this incident to Abdhouli and thought that maybe he should stop the Hashish consumption and he did, for one night. And this abstinence made him realize something else – what was he thinking? This was Primo Abdouli #1 Hash! He hasn’t had any since! He was an unenlightened dope to skip a night.
This temporary lapse of reason never happened again, 00individual’s new motto was:
“Take an x-acto blade, but don’t take away a High.”


One of the main accusations against Marijuana use was that it was a “gateway drug”.
That’s the first offense, Marijuana is not a drug, it is a plant that grows unattended in nature.
The Second offense is that they say that it is a gateway drug – like it’s a bad thing.
Marijuana is not like it is now, back then it was a mysterious element that was forbidden, taboo, something that very few had experienced. And those who did, were privilaged to know things that the rest of society did not.

Sure, Marijuana was great fun, silly sometimes even, but there was the cerebral aspect, a since of knowing, a sense of an awareness that was not there before.
Marijuana broke down the ego, and revealed truths about oneself, as well as the real world.

Some of the high grade strains were: Maui Wowie, Acapulco Gold, Colombian Gold, Panama Red, Afghani, and the ever popular Mexican Dirt Weed – seeds, stems and all.

The trichome of Marijuana, a green powdery substance that falls from dry Marijuana, is high in THC and other cannabinoid compounds. Purchased in small vials, Kif was a treat and rarely available. Smoked straight like hashish or sprinkled on a bowl or dusted within a rolled joint, Kif was a tasty immediate high.


Unlike Reds of various types (Lily F40s!) and Speed (Bennies!) which were always available, THC: TetraHydroCannabinol, the active ingredient in Cannabis and one of the oldest hallucinogenic drugs known, was fairly hard to come by and was in the form of a decent-sized brown barrel-shaped tablet. Rare, but really good stuff!

These were very similar in shape, size, and color as THC barrels and therefore were sometimes passed off as THC. The distinction was that with THC there is the hallucinogenic factor, with Elephant Tranqs it’s mostly physical – here’s a true life 00 experience:
A dealer 00 knew was working a coping saw on what looked like a huge cheese wheel, but it was a nice rich deep tan color, the same color as the hash he was smoking with another friend. This wheel was at least three inches thick in height and about six inches in diameter. As the thin blade was cutting through the hash, fine crumbles gathered at the base and Mike got up and scooped them into the bowl so we could fire up some more After another hit Mike gave me a short tubular brown “barrel” pill that was supposed to be THC. A few minutes later 00 attempted to get up off the couch when it felt like there were lead weights in his arms, butt, and legs – he couldn’t get up – he literally could not move his muscles.
Mike just laughed as he realized that it wasn’t a barrel of THC that he had given him but an elephant tranquilizer! He wasn’t falsely dosin’ – he had some of both and they looked similar.
So 00 just sat back, as he had no other choice, and let the psychedelic wave of righteous hash swirl around the room in an out of body experience with the sounds of cool jazz absorbing and passing through his tranquil body and mind as he explored the heavens. He enjoyed this altered-state until a while later when he was able to become ambulatory. Groovy!


Mescaline was a nice alternative to a full-blown LSD trip. Some may disagree, but because of the inherent spiritual vibe, Mescaline seemed to be a kinder, gentler psychedelic trip. But know this, Mescaline is a world-class hallucinogen and time-distorter – trippy events seem to occur on psychedelics – like attracts like – just ask Alice and Dorothy.


A little less common than Mescaline to come by, this naturally occurring psychedelic is produced by more than 200 species of mushrooms.
Human usage of psilocybin mushrooms predates recorded history. Back in the ’70s Psilocybin was commonly taken in tabs or capped gels/pills.
Among 00’s fellow psychedelic adventurers Psilocybin was known as the Psychic Energizer, here’s why;
00 and three psychonauts entered Big Basin Redwood State Park and continued their “Hobo Hotel” accommodations with some more friends they knew in the town of Ben Lomond.
After fun greets of shared music and fine weed, their Brothers suggested they go hiking up a secret deep-forest ravine where they could find old relics like hand-made nails from an old logging mill area and if they ventured further up the ravine they could enter a fantastic “Hobbitland” with massive overgrown vegetation and trees – they would know it once they reached the “hole in the ceiling”.

As they got higher up the ravine – they got higher. Even though they had energy to spare, they would take “psychic breaks” and enjoy another small dose of the Psychic Energizer.

At some point on the trip, even though 00individual knew the whole environment around him was alive, he soon became aware of its intelligence and it was as if he was surrounded by a sentient web of vegetation and felt not as the alien but as a symbiotic member of their world. He felt accepted.
Was this due to a hyper-sensitivity in the plant world to recognize the “mushroom” in his system?

Was he registering enough symbiotic plant life to receive the “love” of the entire plant world that surrounded him?

The further they went up the ravine the more lush and seemingly larger the vegetation became – until they could sit on the huge moss-covered tree trunk roots as if they were big velvet sofas, wait, they were big velvet sofas!
Then as 00 looked around, everything became vibrant, detailed and the greens of the forest were so green they were almost blue and it was like they were in a cathedral with the towering trees supporting a forest ceiling. And then they realized that the trees had given way to a huge semi-circular stone mountain cave opening and just then they all saw it, the “hole in the ceiling” – they had arrived at the entrance to Hobbitland!



Another somewhat rare psychedelic, these were not readily available and therefore like Thai Sticks, Peyote buttons and mushrooms were considered for special times like concerts, forest explorations, or really anytime, as the organic high could become a trip unto itself. Wildly hallucinogenic and fun but came with the more than likely not so pleasant side efffect of the urge to vomit.



By the early ’70s the Tribe had survived and enjoyed all of the rides at Drug World they experienced the ups and downs of Pharmaceutical Land, happily smoked Marijuana, Hashish, PCP and Opium on the Stoned Mountain Islands, ventured into the colorful forests and jungles of Entheogenic Land while tripping on Mescaline, Peyote and Psilocybin and then explored the empowering and stimulating thrills of Cocaine and the warm embryonic hip coolness of Heroin in Extreme Land – but it was LSD Land that had the scariest and most fun rides in the Park!

Here’s a quote about LSD from Albert Hofmann, the Father of LSD, from his speech on his100th birthday:
“It gave me an inner joy, an open mindedness, a gratefulness, open eyes and an internal sensitivity for the miracles of creation. […] I think that in human evolution it has never been as necessary to have this substance LSD. It is just a tool to turn us into what we are supposed to be.”


Cocaine was Drug World’s “King of the ’70’s”. It was the first drug besides Marijuana to be embraced beyond the counter-culture. It’s popularity was insane, everyone did Coke – it became a staple across the board. While not cheap, cocaine really took off and the hedonistic Disco scene contributed greatly to its popularity and proliference across society to the point of Coke being trivialized as nothing more than “nose candy”.
Cocaine gave one a very uplifting sense of super exhilerating well-being – very addicting tho’.


If LSD was the scariest and most fun rides in the Park, and Cocaine was Drug World’s “King of the ’70’s”, then Heroin was the icing on the Drug Cake.

Coming off the early-to-mid ’70s Cocaine Fun, 00’s Tribe had been doing Heroin for the past couple years, but they were responsible low-level non-shooting fully-functioning Psychonauts and just dug the whole inner warm and outer cool vibe.
Heroin proved to be the last entree on the Drug World Menu and contributed to the fact they had pretty much gone through everything on the Menu – many times. And rode all the rides at Drug World.

Regrettably, the thrill was gone for 00individual and Tribes across the Nations, not because of drugs, they were just the joyous vehicles they rode to get to this point, it was the daily disappearance of their world, a magickal place they loved to live in, a place where extraordinary events were experienced on a daily basis, a place that no matter where they were, it was home.

00individual turned on the car radio the other day and heard the end of Grand Funk Railroad’s I’m Your Captain (Closer To Home) with the chorus, “I’m getting closer to my home.” And suddenly the whole feeling of the Vibe was right there in those words.  That’s what the ‘60s and the ‘70s felt like, everyday felt like getting closer to home – it was a good feeling – still is.

Well, that about does it for the Fun Drugs of the ’70s.

Historically, by the ’70s end, many of these fun drugs just disappeared from the drug marketplace. It was due to a gradual societal shift away from cultural experimentation, and mainly because of economics; drugs that produced a much higher profit dominated; Meth, Cocaine, and Heroin proved that there was no room for efforts in ancillary productions such as PCP, Thai Sticks, Kif, Hashish (Hash and Oil available now at dispensaries), THC, and Opium. Psychedelics took a hit, but are still available, but never again to reach the epic historical heights of the ’70s.

Those who lived the drug culture, to any degree, had their mind and soul altered to revelations that contributed truly greatly to society’s benefit and their own

As Terrence McKenna said, “Life lived in the absence of the psychedelic experience is life trivialized, life denied, life enslaved to the ego.”
This is so true, for once one experiences the psychedelic world, even through Marijuana, the ego is let go.

“Once your consciousness is raised, it can never be lowered.”
– Cereal Boxtop


00individual sends y’all a rainbow volley of Psychedelic Spirituality.

TRUE PSYCHEDELIC TRIPS! . . . . . . . . . . . . . MIND-BLOWER #23 . . . Spring/Summer 1970 . . . . . PRIMO ABDHOULI #1 HASHISH! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1960’s and 1970’s Culture Archives . . . . . . . . . . . . “Life Crossroads: a Once in History Opportunity!” 1970s Historic & Classic Rock Albums . . . ’70 – ’71

abdoolie02Archival Art: “Krik, Hittin’ an Abdhouli Primo #1 Hashish-laced Joint”
copyright 1970/2015 00individual  TLL
Un-retouched – 1970 Rapidograph-enhanced over-exposed photo.
(Real collapsable Top Hat purchased at the M.G.M. studio sale
became a fun communal hat for anyone to wear while hangin’ and gettin’ high.)

MIND-BLOWER #23 – Spring 1970

During a historic year – 1969 – with TFS and Marzenus at the Beach Pad on Pershing Drive in Playa Del Rey California, 00individual had a motorcycle, a car, two girlfriends, a great art department job and all the drugs and weed he wanted. But after experiencing an incredible time in history and a historic time in Rock History – a truly cosmic, fun, and memorable era had ended.

00individual and Marzenus moved into a nice, two bedroom unfurnished stand-alone place isolated on top of several other units’ garages and back off the main drag and a few miles from the beach. This allowed tremendous privacy and freedom to Freak Out and to play loud music, both from the stereo and from us – Marzenus was a guitarist and 00individual had a St George drum kit with Zildjian cymbals and friends would drop by and jam. We could cut loose and party every day and night with outrageous behavior and no one complained.  A new era had begun.

The apartment was situated mid-way down the back-alley that served as the “less traveled” exit / entry of the most popular Westchester/ Inglewood McDonald’s in the area. The convenient location became a place for friends and Tribe members to drop by and the apartment soon became known as the “Topside Room”.

6812Lugging furniture up a narrow flight of wooden stairs for just our bedrooms discouraged any furniture other than some Hippie pillows and a mattress in the front room along with 00individual’s drum kit in one corner and Marzenus’ amp and speaker in another.

Cynthia Myers, bass player in the rock band The Carrie Nations in the whacked film “Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls” and iconic natural beauty and Playmate of the Month for December 1968, adorned the hallway wall that led to the doorways of the two Dens of Iniquity – Nyawh, Ha, Ha!

The kitchen literally turned into a workshop where Marzenus built the interior components for the conversion of his stepvan into a mobile home. The fumes from the polyurethane resin he used to coat the propane-torched wood filled the house and created a nice creamy chemical smell that contributed to the “High” atmosphere.
00individual doesn’t ever remember even using the kitchen to make a meal. We were friendly with several waitresses we knew at local restaurants who would/could arrange free meals – sometimes breakfast and dinner! And then there was McDonald’s . . .

We were livin’ like total responsible Hippie Bohemians back then and the lifestyle blended perfectly with 00individual’s full time art department job – morning, noon or night, at work or on weekends – back then life was an everyday pleasurable and exciting adventure.

If 00individual would have to single out one year in his life that hit the zenith on all cylinders it would be the year he was nineteen, from February 1970 to February 1971, it was easily the best – 00individual learned so very much when he was young.

One night our good friend Krik, upon arrival back from Hawai’i, stopped by the Topside Room and brought his friend Mike D. – 00individual and Mike D. became good friends and would have many psychedelic adventures together.  Krik also brought another good friend, Primo Abdhouli #1 Hash and he treated us to some bowls of this rare hashish. 00individual knew it was Primo Hash; as he could taste it in his brain, really.

ABDHOULIhash1“Primo Abdhouli #1 Hashish” copyright 2015 00individual  TLL

Then for a few nights straight at the Topside Room, Krik, King of the Turn Ons and always generous with his stash, kept a small circle of friends pretty hallucinogenic.
00individual remembers vividly on one night when everyone was sitting on the floor of Marxenus’
bedroom and after several rounds of tokes it felt and looked like the whole room moved and slanted to the point that everyone would slide out through the doorway – and into The Void!
The floor leveled out and we were all saved from slipping into another dimension.
Although fun, this was just the beginning of a Psychedelic Summer and Fall and Winter where slipping through a doorway into the Void was a welcomed lifestyle.

After a couple nights of ritualistic smoking of this mind-bending Hashish 00individual became a somewhat out-of-body numbed artist at work. One day in the middle of the ongoing while-at-work cosmic hashish high hangover, 00individual got up from his drawing table to go use the darkroom and unknowingly jammed a #11 x-acto blade – that was situated at the edge of the table – right through his jeans and into his leg.
It was only when the handle hit the doorway as 00individual walked through did he utter, OW!
There stuck in his front mid-thigh was the blade handle surrounded by blood-soaked jean.

In some weird altered state 00individual attributed this incident to Abdhouli and thought that maybe he should stop the Hashish consumption and he did, for one night. And this abstinence made him realize something else – what was he thinking? This was Primo Abdouli #1 Hash! He hasn’t had any since!  He was an unenlightened dope to skip a night.
This temporary lapse of reason never happened again, 00individual’s new motto was:
Take an x-acto blade, but don’t take away a High.”

crossroads“At The Crossroads: Career Paths – Psychedelic or Corporate?” copyright 2015 00individual  TLL

At the Crossroads: Once in a Lifetime, Once in History Opportunity!

Soon after the Primo Hash Marathon, 00individual and Marzenus had one last Bikers on LSD Adventure, (Mind-Blower #4) before 00individual came to a major crossroads in his life: he was being groomed to replace the “temporary” Art Director. This was a great opportunity at such a young age and would have surely set his career on the fast-track for advancement into Art Director positions all the way up to Madison Avenue and possibly with his own agency – and he knew he could handle it.

But also at this crossroads was the once in a lifetime and once in history opportunity to fully and freely enjoy the truly amazing and exciting times he was living.
This was big – a decision about his future – and not just about a career decision, but bigger, a life decision. Being a true artist means having vision, so, coupled with being a free-spirit 00individual wisely chose to quit his job and hit the road of the unknown, an unknown that surely held exciting and historic times – and it did.

Marzenus had finished his stepvan conversion into a mobile home and was ready to hit the road. This dove-tailed with 00individual’s plans so they relinquished the Topside Room and parted ways only to join up again a few months later for a wild and crazy Hippie road trip.
00individual left his job with around seven hundred dollars in the bank and lived off of it wisely
, investing in drugs and marijuana and living lean and out of his suitcase for a year  – yes, off of only seven hundred dollars – you could do that back then  – and he literally had the time of his life!

The point is, Primo Abdhouli #1 Hashish really “Krik-started” 00individual’s decision to give his two week notice and begin his chosen path of High Adventure, Psychedelic Trips, Hippie Road Trips, Supernatural Excursions, Symbiotic Communication with all Life-forms, Soul Searching, Classic Concerts, and a whole lotta Love, Sex, Drugs and Rock ‘n’ Roll!

But above all of that there was the actual feeling of being real, of being 00individual with no restrictions and no responsibilities other than to stay alive, mentally thrive, have fun and experience the high point of Rock ‘n’ Roll and Cultural History.
Who of us were given that rare opportunity? Not a two week vacation to reconnect with oneself; but a year’s worth of concentrated select beneficial free-spirited experiences during the Epoch of Pop Culture and Rock ‘n’ Roll that ultimately triggered the beginning of an entire lifetime lifestyle.

00individual thanks all Gods responsible for allowing the perfect lifetime period
on the Earth Plane’s History for his soul to experience.

00individual speaks Tribal Truth.

1970s Historic & Classic Rock Albums  ’70 – ’71

In addition to all of the epic albums prior to 1970,
here’s what 00individual at nineteen and Rockers everywhere were listening to
– all released within one year – February 1970 to February 1971!

MOONDANCE – February 28, 1970

March 11, 1970
CSNY Deja Vu

BAND OF GYPSYS – March 25, 1970

April 17, 1970


the WHO
LIVE AT LEEDS – May 16, 1970


IN ROCK – June 3, 1970


HUMBLE PIE – July 1970

THE LAST PUFF – July 1970

ABRAXAS – September 1970

September 19, 1970

IDLEWILD SOUTH – – September 23, 1970
The Allman Brothers Band, 1970, Idlewild South - Front (1)

October 1970

LED ZEPPELIN III – October 5, 1970


ATOM HEART MOTHER – October 10, 1970

October 30, 1970

November 4, 1970

November 1970

November 1970

#5 – November 1970

GREATEST HITS – November 21, 1970

THE END OF THE GAME – December 1970

LOOKING ON – December 1970




EMERSON, LAKE & PALMER – January 1, 1971

LOVE IT TO DEATH – January 12, 1971

ZZ TOP’S FIRST ALBUM – January 16, 1971


February 22, 1971



Fabulous Forum – 04-26-1970
(First Concert Date “Cry of Love” Tour – Last Forum Concert)


the WHO
Anaheim Stadium – 06-14-1970
(Leeds/Tommy – Best WHO Concert – Ever!)


(World-Class Battle of the Bands!)
Fabulous Forum – 07-22-1970


Fillmore West – 12-04-1970
(A Serendipitous Trippy Personal Favorite)




– Please disregard any advertisements that may appear on this site –
00individual does not endorse nor receive any payment of any kind from any advertiser(s).

1960′s and 1970′s Culture Archives . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRUE PSYCHEDELIC TRIPS! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MIND-BLOWER #9 . . . . . . . . . . EARLY 1970’S . . . . A MONSTER, MESCALINE & COOL JAZZ



Whenever the people I ran with got together we always had a good time, we were a fun bunch of Psychedelic Kidz. But sometimes things could escalate into fun for some and not so much fun for others; the bong scene from the Mike Judge movie “Extract” reminded me of just that.

It was night time at a girlfriend’s apartment and we were all getting way too stoned on a combo of psychedelics and a dusted joint of PCP (the “good” stuff) and Dealer Mike (from Hippie Road Trip) kept “turning into a monster” and mentally attacking his good friend who was sitting next to him on the floor.
Now Mike was the master of sophistication and manipulation and had a full beard and long frizzy hair and with widened wild eyes he played his part well, but his poor buddy was obviously seeing it in a more sur-real vein than intended.
At first he sensed the joke but under the spell of the drugs he succumbed more to the possible reality that Mike was really turning into a monster and asked him to return to his human form.
Mike relented only long enough to come back and do it again, only more so. The rest of us were amused to the point of subdued laughter, as he wasn’t doing it to us. But I could tell in my own state of weirdness that Mike’s monster could be very intimidating.

Soon Mike had his buddy pleading to stop with plaintiff reasons of, “… but I’m your partner!”, but that had no effect on the merciless Mike. Eventually his buddy and our friend had to get up to escape, whereby Mike apologized and told him he wouldn’t become a monster anymore, so he reluctantly sat back down.

We had all reached that place on the fringes of reality where it could only take a little nudge to enter a swinging saloon door into a world of our friend’s viewpoint – and thus protected ourselves with nervous laughter as we didn’t want the monster to come after us – even though we had been enjoying the “seriously innocent” show.

After the the joint made the rounds again, Mike slowly turned his head toward his buddy, eyes wild and in a scary, creepy menacing way turned into a monster again – and that was it – our friend got up and left.
While I had empathy for our psychically-attacked friend, I was filled with cosmic schadenfreude and couldn’t stop laughing – all the while knowing that a monster was in our midst.

My good buddy and I scored a quantity of Green Mescaline, bought some horsecaps and on one sunny Saturday commenced to some serious “‘cappin'” at my apartment which was isolated above alley garages.
Since we were not dealers per se, we had no intent to “cut” the mescaline which was commonly done with either lactose, flour or rat poison (Strychnine) – I’m sure I had a few psychedelic hits in the past that were cut with poison where my stomach severely knotted and that’s a sure sign of a low dose of Strychnine. Having sampled the mescaline previously we knew this strain to be of good quality which is why we purchased a decent quantity.
Anyway, we would scoop the green powder into each half capsule and push them together until the trapped air inside made a little high-pitched burp noise and then we would set the ready-to-take mescaline horsecap aside. With each cap we’d invariably get some green “dust” on our fingers in the process and would then lick our fingers to make them tactile enough to continue.
After about a dozen or so caps apiece we were starting to get a little giddy and seemed to be having quite a lot of fun with our “job”. At first it didn’t dawn on us that we were slowly dosing ourselves with the mescaline dust and after a while we decided to take a break and smoke a joint. By then I was starting to see some faint trails coming off my fingers.

Once we resumed cappin’ and our conversations became more spacey I realized that we were actually probably taking in more “dust” than we thought as we were comin’ on pretty strong – it was good mescaline, and good mescaline was unlike LSD which could have a pretty strong uptake during the come-on process whereas with mescaline the build was steady and strong but pretty smooth – at least that was my experience and especially with this strain – so instead of “whistlin’ while we worked” we were “trippin’ while we worked”.

By the time we finished we decided to each down a cap to make it official and then had the entrepreneurial bright idea to proceed to use ourselves as perfect marketing examples of what our product was capable of.
So with our feet barely touching the ground and powered by the psychedelic “Green” strangeness, we drifted out the door, levitated down the stairs and floated out to my buddy’s car all the while feeling as though we just emerged into a bright and colorful cosmic version of the world we previously knew.
Once in the car, which was now a “space”mobile, we hovered off to hit up our freaky friends for some psychedelic transactions.
Over time we sold our stock, made a small financial profit and had a nice free stash of quality green mescaline to last for a few concerts, parties, get-togethers and just for cosmic fun any day. Far Out!

One of my close “Mike” friends (not Monster Mike) was friends with a big time dealer, D.E., who literally got run out of the hip resort, Park City, Utah for dealing “too much”. The authorities didn’t want to arrest him as that would make him a martyr to all the rich folks and celebrities who lived and vacationed there and who were his customers. He’d supply Stevie Winwood when he was in L.A. and was the kind of guy who paid cash for a brand new four-wheel drive truck right off the showroom floor.

Anyway, after closing-up the Crane’s Record Store in Palos Verdes that I managed, I drove over to D.E.’s house where I met Mike. I was greeted with a heaping bowl of hashish and sat down on the couch and lit a hit.
Up on the bar D.E. was working a coping saw on what looked like a huge cheese wheel, but it was a nice rich deep tan color, the same color as the hash I was smoking.
This wheel was at least three inches thick in height and about six inches in diameter; when I realized that it was the hash, my jaw just dropped, I had never even seen or heard of such a thing.
As the thin blade was cutting through the hash, fine crumbles gathered at the base and Mike got up and scooped them into the bowl so we could fire up some more.
As I hit the pipe D.E. informed me that he had two more “wheels” bagged and hanging from limbs way up high in a tree in his backyard; I didn’t ask why, must’ve been to keep them out of the house, out of view and out of the scent of drug-sniffing dogs.

As I took another hit Mike gave me a short tubular brown “barrel” pill that was supposed to be THC. I took it as I grooved to the sounds of a current cool jazz album coming from D.E.’s state-of-the-art sound system that gloriously filled the room.

A few minutes later I attempted to get up off the couch to hit the head when it felt like I had lead weights in my arms, ass and legs – I couldn’t get up – I literally could not move my muscles.
Mike just laughed as he realized that it wasn’t a barrel of THC that he had given me but an elephant tranquilizer! He wasn’t falsely dosin’ me – he had some of both and they looked similar – oh well, honest mistake, I wasn’t mad at all, I mean it actually was very relaxing – duh, it was an elephant tranquilizer!

I had taken Tetrahydrocannabinol (the active ingredient in marijuana) before and this was not THC!
So I just sat back, as I had no other choice, and let the psychedelic wave of righteous hash swirl me around the room in an out of body experience with the sounds of cool jazz absorbing and passing through my tranquil body and mind as I explored the heavens.
I enjoyed this altered-state until awhile later when I was able to become ambulatory. Groovy!