
00individual00Individual late '60s early '70s

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00individual is an obsessed artist, designer, and writer, with an extreme fondness for non-human animals, birds, fowl, reptiles, and amphibians.

Like many fortunate souls, his life experience coincided with every historical, technological, political, scientific, and cultural milestone event during the peak times of a half a century of novelty from 1951 to the present. This gives him a unique perspective for credible observations made from personal experiences in one of the World’s most well-known cities; Los Angeles.

Through his own natural strain of Hyperthymesia (and to attest to his good memory, as a ‘80s U.S.P.S. T6 Postman he memorized and delivered five routes, one-third of Malibu, to relieve each Postman’s day off) he is able to remember experiences, feelings, events, and conversations in detail, and transcribe them for evidence of a time in history when anything was possible.

The classic and historic music and rock concert archives that serve as historical catalysts are conveyed through his personal experience, backed with the fact that during those classic times he was either a Jr. High/Sr. High School Student, an art department Production Artist, Free-Form Hippie, Record Store Manager and Record Rack Jobber.

As a Jobber he was basically a traveling Record Store Manager with accounts all over greater Los Angeles. Within his responsibilities as a Buyer for major department stores, military base malls, record store franchises, and other accounts, he had to know ALL genres and categories, and what was hot and what was not, and why.

His life, heart, and soul couldn’t have been at a better place in time than as a ’50s Kid, a ’60s Teenager, and a ’70s Rocker in his twenties. He saw, heard, read, rocked, tripped, experienced, and participated in the Vibe personally.

00individual sincerely thanks any and all whose positive or negative actions contributed to his continued experience as an artist living a creative life. And if you’re reading this, that means you too!

00individual 1974 – The index and thumbnail of a true Hippie – natural roach clips!
You may laugh, but when no one had a clip, guess who got the concentrated  last hits?

00individual getting back to nature – ’76/’77.

33 thoughts on “About

  1. It’s such a pleasure to see this.. thank you for all the time and love you put into sharing the madness and the magic of ( for me ) one of the best time in History.. although I love the 1960s , I was still just a little too young to fully throw myself into the rush.. but I turned 15 in 1970 and from that point until I was 25 in 1980 … my friends and I lived the Non-Stop Psychedelic 24/7 Party that was L.A in the 1970s…I’ll always be grateful .. Happy Halloween !!

      • Hi I lived in 10 th crt hermosa beach in 1970 and went to that TYA, GFR ,and PG and E, concert was a highlight of my time in LA I appears our paths have crossed ever so fleetingly

  2. Ran across this blog as I was trying to find information about Crane’s Music in Inglewood, where I bought my first “real” guitar. I grew up in Inglewood and Crane’s was the “hep” music store where I spent many a day browsing the albums. Wouldn’t mind trading stories if you’re interested. Thanks!

  3. Pingback: 1960s – 1970s Culture Archives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ADVENTURES as an L.A. RECORD RACK JOBBER! VINYL! . . 8-TRACK! . . CASSETTES! . . . 1973 – 1974 | 00individual

  4. Pingback: 00individual’s ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! . . . . . . . . . TOP 50 POSTS and PAGES of 2012 – 2013! | 00individual

  5. hello my friend, congratulations for your page and choosing the albums that have made the history of the seventies, have taste and knowledge of music, why do not you also a lineup of the best albums of the 80’s, 90’s and up to the present day ?
    a warm hug and congratulations again

  6. I worked at Record Rack in the mid to late 70’s. Jerry Talmadge was the manager as I remember. I too drove the van to El Toro LTA and Dooly’s Hardware in Long Beach. Lisa Talmadge worked in the office, along with Vicki ? & Mavis Chan. Those were fun times. I worked for West Coast Music Sales before that (another one stop on Pico), Licorice Pizza and Middle Earth in Downey before that.

    • What a trip! Right On!
      All the names click, it was the Talmadge brothers, correct? RR was right across the street from Record Merch. I’m memory-jammed at the moment, I remember Rick B. was another jobber/driver and the other guy our age that moved up to manager position.
      I don’t use my real name anywhere on this blog as I’m “branding” 00individual.
      Well, StewartFX we may well have pulled, boxed and delivered,then dealt with returns, and all else together over there on Berendo (?) – trippy times – I was there for about two years then went back to retail record stores – same pay, closer to home groovy environment.
      … so you know/remember that stretch of freeway headin’ for LTA, it was wide open back then, I flew.

  7. Great blog. Would you be interested in contributing to an ebook Anthology that focuses on cultural/political moments from the last few decades, especially the 60s?
    A piece on a particularly significant event, book, movie or album, with an indication of why and how it was influential would be just the thing.
    Please get in touch for further details by emailing us at changingtimespress@gmail.com.
    Look forward to hearing from you,

  8. Pingback: 00individual’s 2013 Top 50 Posts and Pages | 00individual

  9. Pingback: 00INDIVIDUAL’S TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY! . . . TOP 50 POSTS & PAGES of 2012-2014! | 00individual

  10. Hello! I’m a writer in New York working on a book for Simon & Schuster, and I stumbled upon your blog post mentioning the Psychedelic Supermarket on Hollywood Blvd. This setting figures into one of my chapters, and I’d love to ask you a few questions about it, if you have any time. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience– elogangreenwood [at] gmail [dot] com Thanks so much!

  11. Dang! I seem to be 4 years late to the party. I get my 60’s kicks filtered through my parents who were hippies in London in the late 60s and due to an incredible fusion of time and place just saw every artist worth seeing, almost – before heading off ‘up the country’ to raise hippie children in the wilds.

    One day, I’m going to inherit an astonishing record collection … (sorry, can this be used as evidence against me?!)

    • Sorry for a late reply, but yes, it can and will be held against you – and for good reason – Classic Rock Rules!
      Your parents and I were Brothers and Sisters that we never knew but would treat as such if we did.
      It was a magical time to pass through and I thank all of the Gods for allowing me that experience and perspective.
      You know, you don’t have to be of that era, it is all about your spirit and where it resides and what it gravitates to – late to the party but enjoying it is way better than missing it altogether.

  12. Thank you very much for your article about the Mansion / Temple on Ardmore . I visited that place three or four times around 1968 / 1969 with a few friends of mine . I met a girl on the Sunset Strip who took me there for the first time . There was no place in Los Angeles that was as unique as that place.

    • You are welcome!
      I only went that once and it was a gas. Could only imagine life at the Mansion on a regular basis – a trippy place indeed!
      “I met a girl on the Sunset Strip who took me there for the first time”, and wasn’t that just how it was back then.

  13. Oh man, I admire your memory. I can only remember the vibe, as in, “I remember those six psychedelic years in Austin as beautiful, eye-opening, life-changing, but I can’t remember a damn thing that happened.”

  14. Hello, nice to meet you. I love Classic Rock! Especially the Stones and The Beatles. Can you suggest me some good books where I can learn more about them.. how they were formed.. about each band member.. about muses of some of their popular songs.. is there a book that covers these topics?

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