TOM RUSH – KIDS THESE DAYS – 4-72 – “There’ll be better times but I’m gettin’ by with these”


Pippi and friends getting high, . . . sheesh, . . . kids these days!


from the album “Merrimack County”

Here’s an obscure Album Track Gem for you Rockers by the man with the deep rural voice; little Tommy Rush from New Hampshire.

00individual gives thanks for the historic opportunity to have access to just about all styles of music through managing Record and Tape stores and as a Record and Tape Rack Jobber back in the early-to-mid ’70s. Inherently blessed with a wide range of musical appreciation has allowed 00individual to locate notable tracks and albums from genres that although not classified as Rock, still do.

Tom Rush is a well-known American Folk and Blues singer, songwriter, musician and recording artist who Rolling Stone states ushered-in the whole Singer/Songwriter era of the early-to-mid ’70s – that can be seen as either good or bad depending on your musical preferences.

Back then “Kids These Days” was a wry self-mocking social commentary on the changing attitudes and views of the times, and, as it turns out, the song’s lyrics are just as relevant today. Every “younger” generation will wonder why “there’s somethun’ wrong with folks these days”, until age and maturity reverse roles and it is they who will shake their heads and remark, “there’s somethun’ wrong with kids these days.”

However, in present reality there’s somethun’ horribly wrong with folks; adults / parents / guardians these days who allow and support child mutilation and permanent mental and emotional damage.
Once these innocent children naturally mature and realize the state they are in, and the Frankensteinian horror they had done to them – whom as children -were unable to make adult decisions about life and themselves – because they were children/ teens – the following is high on the karmic cause of effect scale:

sooner or later their re-actions will introduce the words matricide and patricide into the common lexicon – all caused by the current mental illness “trends”.

Remember in the ’90s when teens and young adults cut themselves to “feel something” and suicide became a “trendy” thing to do? It may soon become the retro thing to do.

Much of this is probably happening, but is not reported as such.

The common generalized phrase that “all teenagers hate their parents” will only now be justified.

Don’t hate the messenger – or do – it won’t change the inevitable: cause and effect.

00 has 73 years of of experience on this planet to report on history’s on-going current affairs. And it is hard to avoid the insanity, even when an innocent song like “Kids These Days” that brings about memories of the fun insanity 00 experienced in the ’60s and ’70s within a sane world as juxtaposed against the now serious and important question in this world today; “there’s somethun’ wrong with kids these days.”

But the answer is -nothing. They adapt and accept what which is normal for them – guess they’ll never miss what they never had. Sad. Sigh.

It is just part of the bottomless victimization pit that plagues humanity where everyone wants their fifteen minutes of fame (recognition / inclusion) – but at what price?

Well, that’ll be it for 00 on this subject, like the Psycho Killer says; “Say something once, why say it again?”
In any event, put all of that aside and enjoy this fun, funky, introspective, Rockin’ and infectiously fun “Album Track Gem”;


.“Times ain’t now buddy like they used to be,
there’ll be better times but I’m gettin’ by with these,
’id have more fun but the women are so hard to please.
Oh, you let it burn. burn, burn, Let it burn, burn, burn

Around the time of this album, 00 interpreted “let it burn” as an overall physical and mental response to the social demands of certain people; to just ignore, move on, and continue to let that lit joint burn – as one French-inhales the smoke that liberates the mind and soul. – and – allows one to have more fun – regardless.
Oh, you let it burn. . . .

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