PEANUTS! – courtesy of Charles M. Schulz; “That Point When One Has Had Enough Of The Lies”

NO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (A.I.) not even spellcheck

Experience a High-Point in ’60’s Culture


Among the many benefits 00individual experienced during the ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s and beyond was to grow up with Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, and Snoopy, and all of the Peanuts Gang of endearing characters created by Charles M. Schulz’ in his globally-loved phenomenally-successful “Peanuts” comic strip.

At the height of Peanuts’ popularity in the ’60s, as a then aspiring artist / cartoonist, 00individual’s appreciation of the strip transcended from the public’s universal appreciation of Snoopy’s adventures and the spirit that he represented, Charlie Brown’s attempts at fighting the good fight only to see that “no good deed goes unpunished”, Linus’ introspection of the world and life, and Lucy’s independent fussbudget personality. 
00individual’s transcendent appreciation took on an almost reverence toward the Peanuts Gang.  He saw that while speaking about the times Schulz never was political or outspoken, however, he got many a point across through the simplest words and images that rang true to the hearts and minds of millions. These simple words and images are actually at the Jackson Pollack level in that every ink line and word is purposeful, in Schulz’ case, it was the exquisite art of economy.

Take a look at Linus in the first quarter panel below – he is perfect, every casual inked line is perfect, he is effortlessly walking, his exaggerated proportions are of a child, but an aware child, a child beyond his years. In the fourth quarter panel his head tilts down just enough to indicate thought of what was said.

Even though the Peanuts Gang are perpetually in Elementary School, their thoughts and ideas and adventures evoke the wisdom of the ages portrayed in the magical world of childhood.

“That Point When One Has Had Enough Of The Lies”

00individal collected all of the ’50’s and ’60’s paperback books of collected strips as they were released and read them over and over, and there was one six panel series that always stuck with him. It depicts the breaking point when the lies are just too much too ignore – lies that eventually make one sick – lies that eventually reveal the truth.

That breaking point was so clever and humorous in the way that it revealed and showed the propaganda used by so many people, groups, beliefs, parties, institutions, and governments that one deals with throughout one’s life that 00individual felt compelled to share this timely, and timeless, wit, wisdom, and talent of Charles M. Schulz.

It shouldn’t take long to connect the dots –
unfortunately there are so many dots to connect that it can become overwhelming.
So before letting the insanity get to you remember that good ol’ saying:

“Life is a Comedy to those who Think, a Tragedy to those who Feel.”

. . . and an entertaining intelligent emotional Trip to those who do both.

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