00INDIVIDUAL CELEBRATES HIS MIND-BLOWING 12 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Over 775 Meaty, Beaty, Big, and Bouncy Posts! plus 24 Trippy Pages! Pop Cult Artifacts! 3 Psychedelic Art Galleries! – and – set in the ’70s; 3 Seasons (30 episodes) of The Stoned Private Eye! plus POPCULTICONS!

“00’s Flash On You” Copyright 2013 00individual  TLL

Over 770 Meaty, Beaty, Big, and Bouncy Posts from 2012 to 2024! plus 24 Trippy Pages! Pop Artifacts! 3 Psychedelic Art Galleries! – and – set in the ’70s; 3 Seasons (30 episodes) of The Stoned Private Eye! plus POPCULTICONS!

Type any 1960s or 1970s subject matter; rock band, concert, album, event and much more – in the search field at top right . aGoGo ahead give it a try!

Initially front-loaded with a few previously-written-for-posterity reviews of classic ’60s and ’70s Rock concerts, songs, albums, and happenings  – this site became a quasi-chronological account of what it was like to have actually lived, experienced, and participated in the counter-culture during the peak of novelty – the ’60s and the ’70s.

The self-imposed and dedicated “post a week” created a personal writing course for 00, and the more he put down for archival posterity, the more memories were triggered, along with the ambient feeling of the specific time/event being related. This, along with his personal strain of hyperthymesia, brought back events in even more detail.

Then one day 00 resurrected his 1970’s LSD writing experiment with his good friend and writing partner on the East coast, only without the LSD.
His friend would write a few paragraphs and send, then 00individual would do the same. Neither knew where the plot / storyline was going or of the characters that emerged, yet they wrote a very cohesive and fantastic 40-50 page story full of action, dialogue, and fun.
0individual decided to try to do the same technique, but by himself – to see if that was possible.
He had a title that he liked and that had potential: “The Stoned Private Eye”, and with a noir vibe, the 1970s decade, and one word, such as: narc, Halloween, oncert, or treasure as an inspiration to set the mood.
But then immediately something truly amazing happened – as 00individual began to write, the story wrote itself!
The prevalent rules before beginning writing any form of any story is to know the theme, plot, setting, characters, point of view, style, and the ending – in 00’s case none of these were known in advance.
Other than grammatical corrections, spelling, and a tad of dyslexic-like clean-up, these words were laid out as the sentences unfolded; dialogue came about when needed, action as well.
Each episode was completed well within a normal eight hour workday, with an average of eight pages including the intro, written in a quasi-synopsis / treatment style that curiously ended at around 3,500 words, which equals about a fifteen – twenty minute read.
There was absolutely no planning, no story; these episodes developed spontaneously as they were written.
There were no rewrites.
Although he did not know where the story was going, his protagonist, the Stoned Private Eye did.
He just wrote as the plot unfolded with endings mostly unknown until the last paragraphs were written.
Several times 00 was seriously worried that there was no way out of the Stoned Private Eye’s predicament, but, then there was – gives 00 chills just remembering.
Tribal Truth.

Unless this is a common occurrence with writers, 00 has never heard of this specifically – in any case, he feels blessed.

00individual has had many special cosmic transcendent meaning-of-life experiences; but never has he experienced an ongoing called upon at Will Trip like this.

The Stoned Private Eye – a 3 season literary episodic web series based in the 1970s.
10 episodes per season.
First season aired 2018/2019.
Second season aired in 2019/2020.
Third season aired in 2021/2022.

00individual will continue this exploration of the ’60s and ’70s as there are limitless tales to be told of those wonderful days in what now can be seen as Paradise.

To the left and below are links from 2012 posts (including 00’s first post of high school alum mates Kaylan and Volman of the Turtles) up through 2024’s mysteries to yet unfold.

If 00individual’s posts cease to appear for a considerable amount of time in the future, it will be because of one of three reasons; 1) 00 is dead, dead, and gone or 2) his goal of becoming Master of Space and Time has been attained, which will mean that world-wide peace will be enjoyed by everyone. – and in that case, he may be busy and will not have the time to write anymore posts, or (3 he is involved in some mysterious adventure and intrigue.
But until that time,


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